
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Early Dismissal Policy

Early Dismissals before 1 PM count as 1/2 day absence

Tardies after 10 AM count as 1/2 day absence

No early dismissals after 2:30 PM.

Photo ID required for adults picking up students.

Uniform Policy

All students are to be in uniform every day.

Grades K-5 have a uniform yellow collared shirt with navy pants.

Grades 6-8 have a uniform of navy blue collared shirt with khaki pants.

All grades may wear a Spring Garden t-shirt in lieu of a collared shirt.

Attendance Policy

Spring Garden’s attendance goal is 95% for each student.

Students are expected to be in school every day by 8:30 AM.

Students who are late to school after 9:00 AM must report to the main office for a late slip before reporting to their class. Prior to 9:00 AM teachers will adjust attendance.

To excuse an absence, a note from home must be received by the main office. Please make sure to include the child’s teacher and/or homeroom number on the note to ensure the information goes to the correct teacher.

On the 3rd day of absence, a doctor’s note excusing the child is required.

Classroom Visitation Policy

Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit our school.  All visitors MUST report to the office and get a visitor’s pass before proceeding into the school.

Field Trip Policy

Students must be in uniform to leave the building on a field trip.

All students leaving the building must have a signed trip slip submitted by the morning of the trip.

Philadelphia Trip Slip (EH-80)

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)

Students and staff participate in the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program.  This means that your child will gain monthly and/or weekly rewards for positive behavior.  Negative behavior is gently corrected with positive incentives rather than negative punishments.