
Uniform Policy

All students are to be in uniform every day.

Grades K-5 have a uniform of yellow collared shirt with navy pants.

Grades 6-8 have a uniform of navy blue collared shirt with khaki pants.

All students can switch out their collared shirts and wear Spring Garden t-shirt instead.

Attendance Policy

Spring Garden’s attendance goal is 95% for each student.

Students are expected to be in school every day by 8:30 AM.

Students who are late to school after 9:00 AM must report to the main office for a late slip before reporting to their class. Prior to 9:00 AM teachers will adjust attendance.

To excuse an absence, a note from home must be received by the main office. Please make sure to include the child’s teacher and/or homeroom number on the note to ensure the information goes to the correct teacher.

Field Trip Policy

All students must be in uniform for a field trip.

All students must have a signed Trip Slip in order to leave the building on a field trip.

Philadelphia Trip Slip (EH-80)


Weekly and/or monthly PBIS recognition events will be held by grade/class.

Each class will have a threshold of points that need to be earned in order to celebrate positive behaviors.  Students who have not earned enough points for the month will able to start accumulating points for the following month’s incentive.  Every month involves a new chance to celebrate positive behaviors.

Class Specific Supply Lists